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Jun. 8. 2024. We are glad to be a part of the ROSE program this year and look forward to a fruitful experience.


Apr. 8. 2024. Basirat's paper on "anti-Li3N" cation-disordered niobium tungsten oxide has been published on JACS. Working this structure out is like having an intense class of crystallography. Please take a look.


Apr 1. 2024. Alex's paper on electron localization of cation-disordered rock salts has been published on ACS Energy Letters. The beautiful resonance effect is just so interesting and it can tell so much about their battery properties. Please take a look.

Jan. 2024. Assembling the pieces for a glovebox-friendly fiber-optics-based spectroscopic/microscopic system. Will work it out.

Dec. 1. 2024. Some pouch cell parts arrived. Can't wait to use some spectroscopic tools to see what's going on inside. 


Nov. 2023. Dongchang gave two talks in MRS Fall. Learned a lot of new knowledge and got to know many brilliant peers. 


Nov. 2023. We have constructed a customized micro-UV Raman system. We are amazed by the beautiful spectra the system gives and very much enjoy the fluorescence-enabled alignment to see the dark light. :)


​Oct. 31. 2023. Congratulate You Wang's paper has been online at Adv Mat. We conducted a series of delicate experiments in tuning the over-stoichiometric site occupancy in disordered rock salts and understanding its role in their electrochem and spectroscopic properties. Please take a look:

Aug. 2023. Dongchang gave a talk at ACS National at San Francisco. Got to know a lot of brilliant people. :)

July. 2023. We built a compact and efficient fiber optics-based solid-state UV-Vis absorption system. Compact and powerful.

Jun. 1, 2023. 2023 ROSE program has launched! Welcome back Leah and welcome Erley visiting the group this summer!


May.16, 2023. Welcome Jayden joining the group!


Apr.30, 2023. Basirat's new work has been submitted.

Apr.12, 2023. More customized lasers added to the array. Ready to lase!

Mar. 24. 2023. Dongchang gave a talk at SDSMT. Much appreciate the invitation!

Oct. 18, 2022. First research work published! 

Oct. 2022. Dongchang gave a talk at ECS meeting at Atlanta. Glad to see many old friends again and know many brilliant peers. :)


Aug. 26, 2022. Welcome Hailey and Danh joining the group!


Jun. 9, 2022. Dr. Chen received ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards.


Jun. 8, 2022. Welcome Wonu Choe from Albuquerque Institute of Math and Science joining our group! 


Jun. 8, 2022. Welcome Leah Felty from Cleveland High at Rio Rancho visiting our group as a ROSE (Research Opportunities for Science Educators) scholar in this summer!

Feb. 7, 2022. First paper published!


Feb. 7, 2022. Welcome Alexandra joining the team!


Jan. 22, 2022. Welcome Basirat joining the team!


Oct. 1, 2021. Dr. Chen gave an invited talk at New Mexico State University. Much appreciated for the invitation!

Aug. 16, 2021. Welcome Mr. You Wang joining the team!

Aug. 10, 2021. Our group moved to newly renovated beautiful lab spaces at Clark 166 and 170. 

Jul. 21, 2021. We received WeR1 Investing in Faculty Success Program Award.

Apr. 9, 2021. Dr. Chen gave an invited talk at University of Texas San Antonio. Much appreciated for the invitation!

Mar. 15, 2021. We received UNM research allocation committee award. 

Jan. 1, 2021. Chen group @ UNM is launched!

© Dongchang Chen, University of New Mexico

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